Rejection (?)

by 10:56 pm 0 comments

"Rejection doesn't mean you aren't good enough; it means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer".

Well, any kind of rejection - no matter if it's in love or anything else - is not something that should affect my happiness. To be honest... rejection doesn't feel great and sometimes it feels unfathomable but it is a healthy attitude to acknowledge that what really matters is finding the way to bounce back and try again.

I've learned that in life...

People will see in you what they want. If you show too much, they may not like you, if you show too little they might not like you.... so the best thing is to just be you - I got this advice from someone, and thank you!

But if you give a person a rose and they give you a sneer... then they (maybe) are just not for you. Walk in Peace. 



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