Thank You!

by 11:08 pm 0 comments
Well, all I have to say was my life hasn't been the best.

My father died 7 years ago and there are still times when my heart aches so much I don't think the pain will ever go away - there will be times when the memories will be stronger than the pain.

So, how's heaven, Dad? I keep waiting for you to send me the winning lottery numbers - kidding! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for everything.

I've always looked up to you and I work everyday to be as good as you are. You raised us (kids) with patience, love, and kindness. One day I'll be married and have children of my own and in times of stress, I'm going to think back to the times you loved us even when we were getting on your last nerve. 

I love you, although I may not say it. You're the best dad a boy could ask for!



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